Join with more than 2,000 of your fellow REALTORS® for California Association of REALTORS® (“C.A.R.”) Legislative Day 2016!
Legislative Day is an opportunity for REALTORS® from across California to meet with their state legislators to discuss the issues that affect the real estate industry. The day starts with a Morning Briefing, which is filled with networking, meetings with your state legislators, lively discussions of the hottest issues that are important to your industry, a personal address by Governor Jerry Brown, and then REALTORS® will march to the Capitol!
Interested in attending? Submit the registration form below by
5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Too, C.A.R. is offering a Scholarship Fund program for a limited number of first time REALTOR® attendees who meet the following qualifications:
Only REALTORS® can be registered for this program;
REALTORS® must not have attended C.A.R. Legislative Day event previously;
All members attending Legislative Day through this program, must agree to attend the Legislative Day 101 webinar prior to Legislative Day 2016 and at least two leadership training events AFTER Legislative Day 2016 conducted via conference call and webinar;
All members attending Legislative Day 2016 through this program must attend the Morning Briefing and the office visit to be eligible;
The amount of the scholarship is determined by the distance between the Association office and the Sacramento Convention Center as listed in MapQuest;
C.A.R. will reimburse the Association up to $150.00 per member and the Association is responsible for reimbursing the member if the member paid out of pocket;
Reimbursable expenses include: mileage, airfare, bus rental, meals, and lodging; and
Scholarship funds CANNOT be used to reimburse members for contributing to the REALTOR® Action Fund (“RAF”).
For more information, contact the Association office.
C.A.R. Legislative Day 2016 Registration - Deadline is April 6, 2016