Shasta Association of REALTORS®

 MLS Exempted Listings/MLSA

 Pursuant to the Shasta Association of REALTORS® (“Association”) Multiple Listing Service Rules and Regulations, specifically Section 7.6, if the seller refuses to permit the listing to be disseminated by the service, the listing broker shall submit to the service a certification signed by the seller that the seller does not authorize the listing to be disseminated by the service.  Simply complete the registration information and make sure to upload the correct form during the registration process.  For questions or additional assistance, please contact the Association office.

Seller's Instruction to Exclude Listing(SELM) - NON- REALTORS ONLY
Multiple Listing Service Addendum ( Form MLSA) - REALTORS use the MLSA form located in Zipforms @

Register your SELM or MLSA form with the QR Code or the link below.
Register here: